Whistler Honey is your source of local honey and gift products in Whistler.

We have a number of varieties of pure local honeys including berries blossom, cinnamon honey, wildflower, ginger hone and manuka honey. Our selection of unique specialty honeys come from other parts of Canada and New zealand. Types of honey include liquid honey, creamed honey, raw honey, infused honey, honeycomb, and honey sticks.


Proudly Made in Canada

100% Pure & Natural

Unpasteurized Honey

Healthy & Natural




The Hive, Nature’s Medicine Cabinet, is well known for its natural healthy products, Bee Pollen, Propolis, and Royal Jelly. Our fusions of honey, bee pollen, propolis and royal jelly provide easy to consume natural supplements which takes advantage of the synergy between the primary honeybee products of the hive.